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Where is the ARK of the Testament?”

I.E. The ARK of the Covenant

Praise The LORD People of GOD! I hope that you are doing well. I pray that you are maturing inside of FATHERS WORD. JESUS is COMING SOON SAINTS OF GOD! The earth is groaning and sighing at the same time all over the world. The Children of GOD are close to being set free from these bodies of Bondage. And when this happens, the earth will be set free as well. Please read Romans Chapter 8. The LORD HIMSELF shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the Voice of the Archangel Michael, and with the Trumpet of GOD blowing from Gabriel’s mouth; and the DEAD in CHRIST shall Rise FIRST; Then WE which are Alive and Remain shall be caught up Together with them in the Clouds with the Clouds of the Two Witnesses, to Meet THE LORD in the Air; and so shall WE ever be with THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Comfort one another with these words.

The Ark of the Covenant was very prevalent in the Old Testament. When the Ark was present, the presence of GOD was with the people. This supernatural device has not been found for over thousands of years. Some say that the Ark is in the caves of Ethiopia. But no one or nobody has found this supernatural weapon. People have been searching in Israel and many other different nations; and the Ark cannot be found. I would like to show you from the scriptures where the Ark of The Testament is located today; right now. Please open the scriptures to REVELATION 11:19:

‘And the TEMPLE of GOD was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in HIS TEMPLE the ARK of HIS TESTAMENT: and there were lightning’s, and voices, and thundering’s, and an earthquake, and great hail.’

Saints, now you know where the ARK of the Covenant is located. The Ark is located inside the Temple of GOD in the 3rd Heaven; which is the Tabernacle Realm. Archaeologist will continue to search for this device; but they will not find it. Because the Ark is inside of Heaven. JESUS has the ARK of HIS TESTAMENT in HIS TEMPLE. But this is still a mystery to me because of REVELATION CHAPTER 21:22; please take a look at this verse:

‘And I saw no TEMPLE therein: for THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and THE LAMB are the TEMPLE of it.’

What? If there is no temple in Heaven, then please tell me what Temple FATHER is talking about? I repeat from scriptures that there is no physical Temple inside of Heaven. Saints, please take a look at JOHN 2:19-21:

‘JESUS answered and said unto them, Destroy this TEMPLE, and in THREE DAYS I will RAISE it up.

‘Then said the Jews, Forty and Six years was this TEMPLE in building, and wilt thou rear it up in THREE DAYS?

‘But HE [JESUS] Spake of the TEMPLE of HIS BODY.’

What are you saying Ira? It’s not what I am saying, but JESUS just gave you the answer to the question people have been longing for many years. JESUS IS THE TRMPLE OF HEAVEN. The ARK of THE COVENANT is HOUSED INSIDE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. The ARK of THE COVENANT is INSIDE THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST.

There is no need to look for the physical ARK of THE COVENANT, FOR JESUS IS THE ARK OF HIS OWN TESTAMENT. JESUS IS THE ARK OF THE COVENANT! Please stop looking for the ARK, LOOK unto JESUS, THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH! JESUS took the ARK off the earth because HE wants you to know that there would be no Ark without HIM. JESUS IS THE TEMPLE OF THE ARK OF THE COVENANT! HALLELUJIAH TO THE LAMB OF GOD! FATHERS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON... Please study FATHERS WORD, and HE will reveal HIMSELF unto you. The Mysteries of GOD are being revealed.



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