PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD! I hope that all is well with you. I hope that you are encouraged by the WORD of GOD. I am encouraged by FATHERS TRUTH. HIS truth gives me hope as well. There is a powerful parallel between these two cities. Jericho is a physical, natural city and the Babylon in Revelation is a city that is not seen with the natural eye. You have to be spiritual to see Mystery Babylon. Babylon is a city that houses many demonic spirits. This is Satan earthly headquarters. This Babylon is located in the Iran-Iraq region. Satan is the lord, god and master over this city. You need to know this people of GOD.
I see the fall of Babylon through the story of Jericho. I can see Mystery Babylon being destroyed just like Jericho was destroyed. At the last trump. There are seven trumpets recorded in the Book of Revelation; and there are seven trumpets recorded in the book of Joshua regarding Jericho. [Joshua 6:4; Revelation 8:2]. The priests of GOD in Joshua’s day were given the decree to blow the trumpets. And we have priests today that are called by GOD to blow the trumpets of GOD also. The trumpets of GOD are sermons-messages that are to be preached into the earth unto FATHERS CHURCH. The priests of GOD, I.E. Preachers today are to warn the people what is coming upon the earth. They are called to tell the people of GOD the soon return of JESUS CHRIST.
Saints, please read Revelation 1:6; and Ezekiel 33:1-9. These scriptures will give you clarity about the priests and the trumpets. The LORD said to Joshua that his men of War will compass the city for six days. [Joshua 6:3]. And the kings of the east will be the ones doing battle against the demons in Babylon. [Revelation 16:12]. The kings of the east are warfare saints; and they will do Battle against Mystery Babylon. They are spiritual kings, 4th realm Saints; and they are prepared to go to war. Seven priests shall have seven trumpets with them; and the priests shall blow the trumpets around Jericho. [Joshua 6:5]. The men and women of GOD are called to blow the trumpets around Mystery Babylon. GOD’S apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers are called to blow the trumpets today.
GOD instructed Joshua to tell HIS people that when the trumpets are blown, they shall shout with a Great Shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat. [Joshua 6:5]. There is another shout that will occur in the New Testament. [I Thessalonians 4:16]. ‘For the LORD HIMSELF shall descend from Heaven with a SHOUT, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump [Trumpet] of GOD; and the dead in CHRIST shall rise first.’ JESUS will make a Great Shout, and Mystery Babylon shall fall at the last trump. The Ark of the Covenant was with the priests in Joshua 6. We have the Ark of the Covenant living inside of us. The Spirit of GOD is the Ark of the Covenant in us. The trumpet will sound and the dead in CHRIST will rise first; and when this happens, Babylon the Great will Fall!
Joshua commanded the people not to shout, until the day I tell you to shout. [Verse 10]. So the people and the priests did not shout for six days. There will be no shouting at the 1st through the 6th trumpet today; but there will be a day of shouting. The priests-preachers of GOD that bear the seven trumpets of ram’s horn went on continually blowing the trumpets; and the men of war blew their trumpets also. [Verse 13]. After all of them blew their trumpets, they would go back to the camp. But look at what happens on the seventh day; there is something about the seventh day. Please take a look at Joshua 6:15, 16.
The priests of GOD blew their trumpets, and they compassed the city seven times on the seventh day; and Joshua told them to SHOUT, for the LORD hath given you the city. The saints of GOD will SHOUT at the seventh day. I.e. THE SEVENTH TRUMPET, and the LORD will give the city, Mystery Babylon to the Saints of GOD. The Saints of GOD will rest in the Seventh Day. They will be changed into their spiritual bodies at the Seventh Trumpet. The Mystery of GOD will be finished at the 7th Trumpet of GOD. [Revelation 10:7].
The people of GOD Shouted with a Great Shout; and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city; and they took the city. [Joshua 6:20]. We will be shouting along with the strong angel saying, BABYLON the GREAT is FALLEN, is FALLEN, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. [Revelation 18:2]. Babylon will fall completely! The Babylon of old was ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar; but the Babylon today is ruled by Satan. All the merchants of the earth shall mourn when Babylon fall; and the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication with her and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her, when they see the smoke of her burning. [Revelation 18:9; 11].
All the people that were attached to demonic Babylon will stand afar off for the fear of her torment will say, ALAL, ALAS, that GREAT CITY Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour her JUDGMENT COME! [Revelation 18:10]. Babylon and Jericho are one in the same. JESUS WILL DESTROY BABYLON! Come out of her, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not PARTAKERS of her SINS, and that ye receive not her PLAGUES! For her SINS have reached unto Heaven, and GOD hath remembered her INIQUITIES. [Revelation 18:4, 5]. GROW IN HIS GRACE AND IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST.