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    PRAISE THE LORD SAINTS OF GOD. I hope that you are doing well. I pray that you are living for THE LORD. I pray that you will mature in the Things of FATHER. For FAITH is the Substance of THINGS hoped for; the Evidence of THINGS not Seen. [HEBREWS 11:1]. I pray that your Eyes will be Opened by THE WORD of GOD. And I pray that FATHER will ENLIGHTEN your UNDERSTANDING concerning HIS TRUTH. Let us read EPHESIANS 3:18, 19:

              [18]. ‘May be able to COMPREHEND with all Saints what is the BREADTH, and LENGTH, and DEPTH and HEIGHT.’  [19]. ‘And to know the LOVE of CHRIST, which passeth KNOWLEDGE, that ye might be FILLED with all the FULLNESS of GOD.’

    Saints, I know that you are wondering what I am talking about; but there is a 4TH REALM in GOD. FATHER wants you to Comprehend this Truth. This Truth passes the KNOWLEDGE of Man. When the 4th Realm is revealed to a Saint, FATHER HIMSELF is the only ONE that will reveal this to that man or woman of GOD. Let us discuss the other Realms or Dimensions first: there is a PASSOVER REALM, there is a PENTECOSTAL REALM, there is a TABERNACLE REALM, and there is a 4TH REALM.  

    I want to tell you something; all Saints do not get to live, abide, nor reside in the 4th REALM. I know that some of you might be disappointed to hear this Truth, but you need to hear the Truth.  There is a reason why I used this verse because these verses show you the different levels and dimensions of FATHER.  

    The BREADTH is the PASSOVER DIMENSION. The LENGTH is the PENTECOSTAL DIMENSION. The DEPTH is the TABERNACLE DIMENSION, the HEIGHT is the 4TH REALM. Let us continue to teach. If you are operating in the Passover Dimension, your LOVE for FATHER is small. If you are operating in the Pentecostal Dimension, your LOVE for FATHER is Medium. If you are operating in the Tabernacle Dimension, your LOVE for FATHER is Large. If you are operating in the 4TH REALM, your LOVE for FATHER is EXTRA LARGE.

    Let me show you something about Prayer. If you reside in the Passover Dimension, your prayer life is Small towards FATHER. If you reside in the Pentecostal Dimension,

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your prayer life is Medium towards FATHER. Do you see this? If you reside in the Tabernacle Dimension, your prayer life is Large towards FATHER. If you reside in the 4TH REALM, your prayer life is EXTRA LARGE towards your FATHER. Traditionalism, limited churches that halt or stagnate the Power of GOD in their facilities will cause you to not reside or live in the 4th REALM.  

    When a Saint of GOD is living inside the 4th REALM, they walk in a Greater Measure of the FULLNESS of GOD. Their prayers are answered quickly. They receive quick results from FATHER. The 4th REALM SAINTS have something else that we should know. If you are a PASSOVER BELIEVER, your FAITH in GOD is Small. If you are a PENTECOSTAL BELIEVER, your FAITH in GOD is Medium. If you are a TABERNACLE BELIEVER, your FAITH in GOD is LARGE. If you are a 4th REALM BELIEVER, your FAITH in GOD is EXTRA LARGE.  I’m trying to keep it simple, so that we may be able to COMPREHEND this TRUTH. Saints, look at this scripture: EPHESIANS 2:6:

              [6]. ‘And hath raised US together and made us SIT TOGETHER in HEAVENLY PLACES in CHRIST JESUS.’

    The 4th REALM SAINTS are the ones that are SEATED in Heavenly Places. I call them FATHERS SPECIAL SAINTS. You must be residing in the 4TH REALM now before you go to the 4th REALM in NEW JERUSALEM. 4th REALM SAINTS will see and witness the EXCEEDING RICHES of HIS GRACE and KINDNESS through CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD. [ EPHESIANS 2:7]. I want to share this with you as well, if don’t believe what I say, please ask FATHER in Prayer if I am teaching the TRUTH about the 4th REALM. And HE will answer you. Let us look at 1 JOHN 3:2:

              [2]. ‘Beloved, now are we the Sons of GOD, and it doth not yet Appear what we shall be; but we know that, when HE SHALL APPEAR, we shall be like HIM; for we shall SEE HIM as HE IS.’

    That’s right SAINTS OF GOD, we that are Saved are the sons and daughters of GOD, but all Believers will not get the chance to see HIM as HE truly is, Unfortunately. But the 4th REALM SAINTS shall SEE JESUS AS HE IS. Because they will see JESUS FACE TO FACE. Make no mistake Man, Woman of GOD. It is not FATHERS WILL for us to not see HIM.

     But if you are blatantly teaching FALSE DOCTRINES, PROPHESYING FALSELY, or you have made the PROSPERITY GOSPEL your god, you WILL NOT SEE JESUS FACE TO FACE!!! YOU WILL NOT SEE HIM AT ALL!!! You have deliberately DECEIVED FATHERS PEOPLE ON PURPOSE, YOU WILL SEE another DIMENSION, and that DIMENSION is the

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OUTER COURT!! Where there is WEEPING and GNASHING of TEETH!!! TAKE HEED LEST YE FALL!!! Let me show you another Verse: JUDE, verse 14:

              [14]. ‘And ENOCH also, the SEVENTH from Adam, PROPHESIED of these, Saying, BEHOLD, THE LORD cometh with TEN THOUSANDS of HIS SAINTS.’

    JESUS IS COMING SOON!! The 10,000 are very close to FATHER. They are Spiritually Mature in the THINGS of GOD. The 10,000 walk in the FULLNESS of GOD’S DIVINE ORDER AND DIVINE LAW. The 10,000 walk in the FULLNESS OF GOD. The 10,000 are part of the 4TH REALM SAINTS OF GOD!!! The Passover and Pentecostal Saints will not be in this Formation. The 10,000 SAINTS will execute JUDGEMENT upon Ungodly Sinners for their Ungodly Deeds that they have spoken against HIM. [JUDE, verse 15]. JESUS IS THE EXECUTIONER of these EVIL and UNGODLY MEN on the earth. But HIS 10,000 belongs to HIM. There will be part 2.



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