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Part 2

    PRAISE THE LORD SAINTS OF GOD. I hope that all is well with you. I pray that you are enjoying FATHERS WORD. I pray that you are reading and studying HIS WORD. For HE LOVES YOU. And FATHER wants to reveal HIMSELF to you. To those of you that can Comprehend HIS TRUTH, FATHER is preparing you for HIS return. JESUS IS COMING REALLY SOON!! I pray that all of us will be the people of JESUS parable: the FIVE WISE VIRGINS recorded in MATTHEW 25. Keep your Lamps Burning Bright. Take a Stand, Stand for what is right. Let JESUS be FIRST in our LIVES; be Ready, Ready, WHEN JESUS COME!!! That is a song from the Gospel Group COMMISSIONED. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!  

    We have been discussing the 4th Realm. We have been talking about a Special Place for those whose Love for FATHER is EXTRA LARGE. The Apostle Paul received this Revelation about the 4th Realm, this is what separated him from the other Apostles.    Apostle Paul is in the 4th Realm. Apostle Paul will return to this earth in the 1st Resurrection. This is what the Chapter PHILIPPIANS 3:10-15 was about. I.E. THE OUT-RESURRECTION; THE 1ST RESURRECTION.

    Saints of THE MOST HIGH, there are different levels. JESUS said, IN MY FATHERS HOUSE, there are Many MANSIONS. The Mansions mean that there are DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS, [JOHN 14:2]. JESUS said that I go to Prepare a PLACE for you. That PLACE is the 4th Realm. Let us discuss the 12 Apostles; all the Apostles did not make it into the 4th Realm.

  • 1. Apostle Peter is in the 4th Realm.

  • 2. Apostle John is in the 4th Realm. He was Beloved by FATHER.

  • 3. Apostle James is in the 4th Realm.  

  • 4. Apostle Thomas is in the Tabernacle Realm. He did not make it because he Doubted. Thomas had to see to Believe that JESUS Resurrected from the Dead. He was Demoted because of Unbelief.

  • 5. Apostle Matthias is in the Pentecostal Realm. He was the one that took Judas office. Matthias always started a Thing, but never finished; he was demoted.

  • 6. JUDAS: you need to know this. He is the one that betrayed JESUS CHRIST. I hear a lot of Preachers say that Judas is in Hell, but he is not. Judas is in the Pentecostal Realm because Judas repented to THE LORD. This may be hard to believe, but this is the Truth.

  • 7. Apostle Luke is in the 4th Realm.

  • 8. Apostle Mark is in the 4th Realm.

  • 9. Apostle Matthew is in the 4th Realm.

  • 10. Apostle Andrew is in the 4th Realm.

  • 11. Apostle Phillip is in the 4th Realm.

  • 12. Apostle Bartholomew is in the 4th Realm.

The Majority of these Apostles were Martyred because they lived for THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Again, not all the Apostles were promoted into the 4th Realm of GOD. When Saints are in the 4th Realm, they receive more Power, more Revelation, and more Knowledge. Some people in the 4th Realm are there because their Hearts are Completely Pure in FATHER. Some are there because of their Consistency, Faithfulness in their Spiritual Walk. They walk in Obedience, and they walk in Purity toward FATHER.  

    The Poor in spirit will be in the 4th Realm. [MATTHEW 5:3].

    The Saints that walk in the spirit of Meekness will be in the 4th Realm. [MATTHEW 5:5].

    The Saints of GOD that Hunger and Thirst after FATHERS RIGHTEOUSNESS will be in the 4th Realm. [MATTHEW 5:6].

    The Saints of GOD that were Martyred for CHRIST Namesake will be a partaker of the 4th Realm. [MATTHEW 5:10-12].

There are some Saints that were happy to be Martyred for the LORD because they knew that they would attain a better Resurrection. [HEBREWS 11:35]. Do you want to hear more? Saints, in each Dimension/Realm, there are Basons. Every Believer lives in a Bason. Study with me: EXODUS 24:6:

              ‘And Moses took half of the BLOOD, and put it in BASONS, and half of the BLOOD he Sprinkled on the Altar.’

    This is the Old Testament. But let me share this with you, JESUS did not come to DESTROY the Law, but HE came to Fulfil or Complete the Law. [ MATTHEW 5:17]. Let me show you something:  

              Believers that die and go to the Passover Realm will be in a BRASS BASON. They are wrapped in a Shroud and the only things that are open are their eyes and mouth. They lived in Bondage on the earth, and they will die in Bondage. But they are still Saved from the Outer Court because the REDEMPTIVE and HEALING BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST are sprinkled on them. Please hear the Truth of FATHERS WORD. The Believers that die and go to the Pentecostal Realm will be in a SILVER BASON. They can walk out of their Basons, and they can have fellowship with other Believers. They can Congregate with 60 or 120 Believers. Sounds Familiar? This is based upon the WORD of GOD in ACTS 1:12-15.  

              Saints of JESUS CHRIST, let us move Higher in the Things of GOD. Saints that live in the Tabernacle Realm on this earth and they die and go to the TABENACLE REALM are assigned a GOLD BASON.  In this Place, the Angels of GOD are there. There is a Library there. There is an Amusement Park there. There are a lot of HEAVENLY SONGS being sung there. And most importantly, JESUS CHRIST is there. HIS THRONE is there. The Saints of GOD can come out of their BASONS to Congregate with Many Saints in that Dimension.  

              Finally: The Saints of GOD in the 4th REALM sleeps in BASONS that are made of PRECIOUS STONES. What are PRECIOUS STONES? Diamonds, Jasper, Sapphire, Chalcedony, Emeralds, Sardonyx, Sardius, Chrysolite, Beryl, Topaz, Chrysoprasus, Jacinth, and Amethyst. Do you see the difference from the other Dimensions? The Saints of GOD are PRECIOUS to FATHER because FATHER is PRECIOUS to them. There is more TRUTH. And they see JESUS FACE TO FACE all the time.



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