PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD. I hope and pray that all is well with you. Saints, please mature inside of FATHERS WORD. Please mature in the things of GOD. Please mature in your prayer life. Please mature in the ways of GOD. JESUS IS COMING. JESUS IS COMING. JESUS IS COMING. Prepare for HIS return. Please mature in the way we treat people. The 1stResurrection is right around the corner. Please continue to walk in the spirit of prayer. Seek HIS FACE and HE will reveal HIMSELF to you.
It is time to know more of FATHERS TRUTH. This teaching is about Mystery Babylon. This city is a real city. This city is a great city. But this city is not greater than New Jerusalem from above. This city is in the Iran-Iraq region. This city is demonic in nature. This city is parallel to the other cities in that region. The natural eye cannot see this city, but this city is the kingdom of Satan. He plans out demonic strategies with his demonic messengers upon the earth.
Please take a look at REVELATION 18: 11-13:
Verse 11: ‘And the Merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.’
Saints, do you see this? There are merchants of this earth; all over the world that buy merchandise from this demonic city. Many people have made demonic oaths to this city; directly and indirectly. These merchants have dedicated their merchandise to Satan because of their greed and because they have made money their god. The time is coming soon when the merchants will no longer be able to buy from this city. These merchants have sold their souls to the devil. They have committed spiritual fornication with this city. [Revelation 18:9]. Look at what the merchants of the earth purchased from this city; verse 12:
The Merchandise of Gold, Silver, and Precious stones, and of Pearls, and Fine Linen. [Part of verse 12].
In this city, you can purchase gold, silver, and precious stones. How did they buy from Mystery Babylon? They became partakers of the Mark of the Beast. They wear the number of his name in their forehead. They have declared the name of the beast in the earth. And they have the mark in their Foreheads. What merchants are buying gold from Babylon? The Jewelry merchants; the Medicine merchants; the Computer merchants; the Dental merchants; along with the Financial merchants; the Glass merchants; the Aerospace merchants. You get the gist. Many companies in this earth have bought their products from this demonic city. And they have infiltrated the hearts of men into participating with Babylon. It is their greed that caused them to buy from Babylon.
This city wants the saints of GOD to lose their Gold crowns; their Silver crowns, and their Precious stones that goes into their crowns. This city wants us to become disqualified from the 1st Resurrection. Please do not allow this demonic city to take your crown. There is Silver that can be purchased from this demonic city. There are companies worldwide that have sold their souls to this city. Such as: the Tableware industry, the Commodities industry have purchased from this city as well. The Financial industry, the Photography industry; along with the RFID chips were purchased from this city. And you need to know this as well: The United States, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Russia are the biggest consumers of Silver.
These nations are the Kings of the Earth that have made a demonic covenant with this city. This city is carnal in Nature. This demonic city is FLESHLY in Nature. This city is not about us walking by faith; but this city is about us walking by what you see; thus disregarding faith completely. This city is a faith destroyer. Satan is the lord, god and master of this city. Military tanks and Military soldiers are driving and walking through this city on a continual basis. Many cannot see this city because many soldiers are Carnal and they refuse to make JESUS their Savior. There are some soldiers over there that are Saved, Sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit; they can spiritually discern the evil presence of that city.
This city influence the merchants of the earth to take what they bought from Babylon, and implement Satan’s demonic agenda into the earth. There are Precious Stones in this city. Merchants of Tools that are used in windows that cover x Rays are purchased from this city. The Oil Industry use precious stones as well. Precious stones are used for super computers. Some Companies like Microsoft, Apple, and IBM sold their souls to Babylon to obtain wealth and power from Satan. Now, Satan wants a profit on his return from these kings of the earth. The profit that he wants from them are their souls.
Saints, we are the Precious Stones of GOD. Our Foundation is not the City of Babylon; but our Foundation is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Satan desires to take away our Stones, but we will not give them to him because we belong to THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Do not buy your Merchandise from Babylon. Come out of her, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her Sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. [Revelation 18:4]. Grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST.
